31 October 2005

Candy is Dandy, but Liquor is Quicker

As I sit here eating ANOTHER ReeseSticks I keep thinking that I need decide on something to make for dinner. I'll tell you, the Queen had her Halloween party at school on Friday night and I'm not sure I've eaten anything except candy since then. I'm feeling a bit nauseous and yet I CONTINUE TO EAT THE DAMN CANDY! Anyway, I've posted the party pics for those who would like to see.
Halloween. Hrmmm, what to say... Okay, here at the Clifford house we have rules... Ok, we have rule. The only rule I have is that you have to be something scary. We haven't had that many costumes since I emphatically said that I will NOT take a child out to trick-or-treat unless they can walk the distance on their own. I REFUSED (and still object) to either push a stroller or carry said devilspawn to acquire candy. Nope, you gotta do that on your own. So, the Queen has been... a tornado (age 4), a giant eyeball (age 5), dead-bloated Elvis (age 6), the Rat Queen (age 7), and this year? Medusa (age 8). The Queen is pretty damn decent at picking out what she wants to be by sometime in September... but not this year. Poor girl just couldn't decide. Was two weeks before the event by the time the final decision was made. Now, for most people that might be just enough time. Well, not me. I'm a bit too lazy for that apparently. Ok, maybe I was busy or something. I don't know/remember. What I do know now is that I will never wait til the last minute again (yeah right). I had to find all these snakes and guess what? Boise is snakeless this time of year. Really any time of the year. I went EVERYWHERE. And I do mean EVERYWHERE. Even the dreaded store that I will NOT go into. Yes folks, I went to Wal-Mart. Shit, the things we do for our children. The Queen actually didn't believe me when I said I had gone there. I told her I had and she countered with "Mommy, you know that place is killing our country!" Ahhh, all our brainwashing has finally set in. I then informed her that her party was the next night and she just might have to pick something else. That didn't go over well. The next morning I thought of one last place and lo-and-behold THEY HAD SNAKES! I bought them all out and again vowed this would never happen (that really is a funny statement). Check the pictures... She looked pretty good.
The trunk-or-treat party at the school went really well. Well, we had a great time. Thank you Sandee!!!! You gotta love it when you can let your kids loose and not even wonder where they are for quite some time. The kids went from vehicle to vehicle (then down to the school basement) while the parents tailgated. Now THAT'S the way kids parties should be! I'm sure there are some (at the party even) who would disagree but oh well, we are the troublemaker parents of the school. And quite frankly, we love it that way!
So, if you see a group of children out trick-or-treating and wonder where their parents are... we are following somewhere closely behind sitting on our tailgates drinking beer!


At 11/02/2005 12:59 PM, Blogger Kim said...

The schools here stopped having costume Halloween parties years ago. At Lullah's elementary school we had to sneak in snacks for parties. Halloween parties weren't allowed.

At 11/02/2005 3:38 PM, Blogger Dominique said...

We just had the trunk-or-treat thing... the kinders dress up and they have a parade and that's it. Once you move on into the 1st grade no more costumes. We usually have a party though, in the classroom and in the evening.


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